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Chiropractic Health Care           
Center of Hamden

A Professional Center for Pain Relief

Dr. Bryan W. Barry, M.S., D.C., FIAMA
2821 Old Dixwell Avenue Hamden, Ct 06518
P: 203-288-2821                      F: 203-288-2854
Office Hours
Chiropractic Trigger points:  Read Full Article

Trigger points associated with lower back and leg pain are commonly found the iliotibial band (near the upper thigh), as well as in
muscles near the hip and buttocks, including the psoas, gluteus maximus, and piriformis. Trigger points associated with neck, upper
back, and arm pain are commonly found muscles near the upper back and neck such as the the shawl portion of the trapezius
muscle, the rhomboid muscles, and the levator scapulae.

These chronic, persistent, localized muscle spasms are caused by postural inefficiencies, biomechanical faults, and stress. Any or all
of these factors may be involved. Stress may be ongoing, depending on the person's circumstances, but posture and biomechanics
can definitely be addressed and improved with chiropractic care.

Your chiropractor will analyze and identify biomechanical issues, particularly those involving spinal misalignments. A chiropractor will
design treatment specifically tailored for your individual needs and, if needed, will help educate you regarding good postural habits
and exercises that will be beneficial for many years to come.
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You may have noticed that chiropractic care is very efficient. Because chiropractic care directly addresses spinal health and the health
of your nerve system, many of your body's other systems are also affected, indirectly.

Your central nerve system - your brain and spinal cord - is your body's master system. Every other organ, tissue, and cell receives
instructions on when and how to do its job from the nerve system, via spinal nerves and smaller nerve branches. Simply put, when
your nerve system is not functioning properly your body as a whole will not function properly. You may have pain. You may have
symptoms of specific diseases. It is important to address these symptoms. Also, it is critically important to address possible causes
which lie within the nerve system.

Using gentle correction of spinal misalignments, chiropractic care helps optimize the functioning of your nerve system. A healthy nerve
system helps ensure good health in your gastrointestinal, cardiopulmonary, and endocrine systems, and other systems as well.

Chiropractic care, by its very nature, is a holistic method of healing. By using noninvasive methods which balance function within both
the nerve system and the musculoskeletal system, chiropractic care gives your body the best chance to recover from many
complicated problems.

Chiropractic care is a key component of the multidisciplinary approach to management of multisystemic disorders such as
fibromyalgia. By restoring more normal function to the person's nerve system, chiropractic care unleashes powerful and natural
healing forces. The result is a body whose parts are now working together instead of against each other. As the body heals, pain and
Good Health, Nutrition, and Chiropractic Care:  Read Full Article

to enjoy high levels of health without having to expend any effort. But for most of us, good health depends on the things we do to
cornerstones of good health. Regular chiropractic care is an important part of the mix. Regular chiropractic care helps keep the body's
nerve system healthy. This master system helps keep all the other systems functioning at peak levels, and the result is overall health
and well-being. In this way, regular chiropractic care helps support all the other action steps we're taking to ensure top levels of health.

Dear Dr. Barry, Why did I wait so long to get the new foot Levelers - my feet, legs, hips and back feel so much better. My feet feel like they
are being caressed with every step.Thanks Jim
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Chiropractic Care and Trigger Points
and pockets of inflammation between layers of muscle and connective fascial tissue that
can cause a great deal of pain and tenderness.